AI Apps Bricabrac


Generate web apps from text descriptions, no coding needed.


Overview of Bricabrac AI: Generate Web Apps from Text Descriptions

Bricabrac AI is a web-based application that allows users to generate web applications directly from text descriptions. This service leverages the capabilities of GPT-4, a next-generation AI developed by the creators of ChatGPT, to transform simple descriptions into fully functional web apps without the need for coding knowledge. Bricabrac AI aims to democratize app development, making it accessible to individuals who do not have programming skills.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered App Generation: Users can create apps by simply describing their idea. The AI then interprets this description to generate a web app.
  • No-Code Design Editor: The platform includes a no-code editor, allowing users to easily make adjustments to the app's design without needing to write code.
  • Functionality Addition: Beyond the initial creation, users can list desired functionalities, which Bricabrac AI will integrate into the app.
  • Free Hosting: Bricabrac AI offers free hosting for the apps created, enabling users to share their apps easily.
  • Code Export: Users have the option to export the generated code, providing full ownership and control over the final product.
  • Powered by GPT-4: Utilizes the latest AI technology for accurate interpretation of descriptions and efficient app generation.


Bricabrac AI offers a "Power Plan" at $68/month, which includes:

  • 102 AI generations per month (approximately 17 apps)
  • Unlimited free hosting
  • Unlimited code export
  • Option to cancel anytime

A free 2-day trial is available, along with 8 free AI generations to new users.

Current Limitations

As Bricabrac AI is in its beta phase, certain features are not yet supported but are planned for future updates:

  • Integration with external libraries (e.g., NPM, Tailwind)
  • Automatic use of images/assets
  • User data storage and authentication
  • An app gallery/showcase/templates
  • Native app generation

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Bricabrac? Bricabrac AI is an AI-powered service that generates web apps from text descriptions.

  • What can I make? Users can create a wide range of web-based tools, games, and more.

  • Is it free? There is a free trial available, along with a free tier for manual app making.

  • How can I pay? Payment options are provided for upgrading to the Power Plan.

  • What if I want to cancel? The service allows for easy cancellation at any time.

  • What are tokens? Tokens are used as a form of currency within the platform to generate apps.

  • What is the gallery? A feature that will allow users to share and remix apps, coming soon.

  • Do I need to know code? No coding knowledge is required to use Bricabrac AI.

Bricabrac AI is a unique opportunity for individuals and businesses to rapidly prototype and deploy web applications without the need for extensive coding knowledge or resources. Its use of GPT-4 AI technology ensures that even complex app ideas can be brought to life with minimal effort.

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