AI Apps Knowbase


File storage and retrieval through conversational chat interface.


Overview of Combining File Storage with AI-Powered Chat is a digital platform that integrates the functionalities of file storage services like Dropbox with the conversational AI capabilities of ChatGPT. It allows users to store various types of files and access the information contained within them through a chat interface. This service aims to make it easier for users to manage and retrieve knowledge from their stored files.

How It Works

Users can upload files, including documents, videos, and links to online content, into their Knowbase library. The platform then enables users to interact with their stored information by asking questions in a chat format, similar to how one would interact with ChatGPT. This process facilitates a more intuitive and conversational way of accessing stored knowledge.

Key Features

  • File Storage: Users can upload and organize their files in the Library for easy access.
  • Chat Interface: Allows users to query their stored knowledge through a conversational AI chat.
  • File Sharing: Knowbase offers the option to share the chatbot with others, making it easier to distribute knowledge.
  • Transcription: The platform can transcribe audio and video recordings from speech to text, enhancing the accessibility of information in these formats.

Supported File Types and Limits

  • File Types: Knowbase supports a variety of file formats including PDF, MP4, MP3, TXT, PPTX, DOCX, and links to YouTube videos.
  • Upload Capacity: Users can upload up to 100 files at once, with a maximum transcription limit for audio and video files depending on the chosen plan.
  • Language Support: The platform can transcribe and understand content in multiple languages, ranging from Afrikaans to Welsh.

Plans and Pricing offers a free plan that includes 100 MB of storage space and allows for 10 questions per month. For users requiring more storage or additional features, there are paid plans available. The Standard plan, for example, provides up to 10GB of file storage.


  • Functionality: Knowbase combines the features of file storage services with AI chat capabilities, enabling users to store files and access information through chat.
  • Free Plan: Offers 100 MB storage and 10 questions per month.
  • File Storage Capacity: Depends on the chosen plan, with the Standard plan offering up to 10GB.
  • Multiple File Uploads: Up to 100 files can be uploaded simultaneously.
  • Supported File Formats: Includes PDF, MP4, MP3, TXT, PPTX, DOCX, and YouTube links.
  • Transcription Limits: For the Standard plan, up to 900 minutes of video or audio can be transcribed.
  • Transcription Time: Varies by file size; a 700MB video file approximately takes 6 minutes to transcribe.
  • Language Support: Extensive, covering major global languages. is designed for individuals and professionals looking to streamline the way they store, access, and share knowledge. By combining file storage with AI-powered chat, it offers a unique solution for managing and retrieving information from a wide range of file types and formats.

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