AI Apps Recall AI
Recall AI

Recall AI

Digital tool for summarizing, organizing, and recalling online content.

Recall AI

Overview of Recall: A Personal Knowledge Base Tool

Recall is a digital tool designed to help users summarize and save online content into a personal knowledge base. It caters to a wide range of content types, including YouTube videos, blog posts, PDFs, articles, podcasts, news, and recipes. Recall's primary aim is to streamline the process of content consumption and recall, making it easier for users to organize, review, and rediscover information.

Key Features

  • Summarization: Recall allows users to create summaries of various online content, enabling quicker consumption and understanding of key points.
  • Automatic Organization: The app organizes saved content automatically, using AI to categorize items based on their content.
  • Knowledge Graph: Saved content is integrated into a knowledge graph, facilitating the discovery of connections between different pieces of information.
  • Spaced Repetition: Incorporates spaced repetition learning techniques to aid in the retention of information.
  • Data Export: Users can export their notes to markdown, ensuring compatibility and ease of use across different platforms.
  • Offline Access: All data is stored locally on the user's device, allowing for offline access to the knowledge base.

User Experience

Recall is designed with a focus on ease of use and efficiency. It offers browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox, as well as mobile apps in beta for iPhone and Android devices. This wide availability across platforms ensures that users can save and summarize content on the go, cutting down on the time required to manage and consume information.


Professionals from various fields have praised Recall for its ability to enhance productivity and information management. Users have highlighted the app's summarization capabilities, automatic organization, and the ease with which it allows them to rediscover and connect different pieces of information.

Getting Started

Recall offers a straightforward setup process, with the option to get started for free. This accessibility ensures that users can immediately begin to streamline their content consumption and knowledge management practices without upfront investment.


Recall is a comprehensive solution for individuals looking to optimize their online content consumption and management. Through its summarization and automatic organization features, coupled with the innovative use of a knowledge graph and spaced repetition learning, Recall aims to enhance productivity and learning for its users.

Related Video

  • This video presents a product demonstration of Recall AI, a digital tool designed to summarize, organize, and recall online content.
  • The presenter, Suns, showcases how the app can take a lengthy YouTube video on longevity, extract key points and keywords, and save them as a knowledge card in a personal knowledge base.
  • Recall AI automatically categorizes and finds connections between saved knowledge cards, enhancing the user's ability to organize and retrieve information.
  • Additionally, the video highlights the app's browser extension feature and its ability to handle various types of online content, demonstrating its versatility and potential as a personal digital encyclopedia.
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