AI Apps Learnt


Automates educational content creation for teachers and trainers.


Overview of AI-Powered Tool for Education Professionals is an artificial intelligence-based platform designed to assist education professionals in creating a variety of educational content. This service aims to streamline the process of developing lesson plans, training materials, ice breakers, group activities, and more, making it a valuable resource for teachers, trainers, and educators across various levels and fields.

Key Features offers a range of features to support the creation of educational content:

  • Lesson Plan Creation: Users can generate detailed lesson plans tailored to their specific requirements.
  • Homework Task Setting: The platform allows for the easy setting of homework tasks, saving educators time.
  • Ice Breaker Generation: Users can create engaging ice breakers to facilitate interaction and engagement among students or participants.
  • Assessment Question Creation: The tool supports the generation of assessment questions to evaluate the understanding and progress of learners.
  • Group Activity Ideas: It provides innovative ideas for group activities to enhance collaborative learning experiences.

How It Works

The process of using is straightforward and involves three simple steps:

  1. Select a Tool: Users begin by choosing the specific tool they need, whether it's for writing lesson plans, setting homework tasks, generating ice breakers, creating assessment questions, or other educational content.

  2. Enter Your Prompt: Next, users input a prompt that describes what they are looking for. The platform advises not to overthink this step, as the AI is designed to understand and interpret a wide range of instructions.

  3. Click Generate: After entering the prompt, users click the "Generate" button. Within a few seconds, the AI generates the requested content, ready to be copied and pasted into the user's next project.

Benefits offers several benefits to education professionals:

  • Time-Saving: By automating the content creation process, educators can save significant amounts of time, allowing them to focus more on teaching and less on administrative tasks.
  • Cost-Effective: The platform provides a cost-effective solution for creating high-quality educational content without the need for extensive resources or additional staff.
  • Customizable Content: With the ability to generate content based on specific prompts, users can ensure that the materials are tailored to their unique needs and the needs of their learners.

Pricing and Availability offers a "Try Free" option for new users, allowing them to explore the platform's capabilities without immediate commitment. For continued access to all features, users are encouraged to explore the available pricing plans. Detailed pricing information can be found on the website, where education professionals can also sign up for an account and start using the service.

In summary, provides a valuable tool for education professionals looking to leverage AI for the efficient creation of a wide range of educational content. With its user-friendly interface and versatile features, it is a practical solution for enhancing the educational experience for both educators and learners.

Related Video

  • This video introduces the new "Differentiated Dynamo" tool in the Learnt AI app, which is a chatbot designed to assist educators in creating tailored educational content for diverse learners.
  • The presenter, Dave, demonstrates how the tool can generate suggestions for accommodating students with specific needs, such as a blind student who does not read Braille.
  • Viewers are encouraged to interact with the tool and provide feedback on its functionality.
  • The video aims to showcase how this tool can help in engaging learners from different backgrounds by differentiating the learning materials.
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