AI Apps MyReport


Automates report generation with data collection and citation.


Overview of MyReport: Automated Report Generation Tool

MyReport is an AI-powered tool designed to streamline the process of report creation by automating data collection and citation. This service caters to professionals and students alike, offering a time-efficient solution for generating comprehensive reports on a wide range of topics. Below is a detailed overview of MyReport, highlighting its key features, functionality, and user benefits.

Key Features

  • Automated Data Collection: MyReport simplifies the research phase by automatically gathering data relevant to the user's specified topic.
  • Professional Reports: The tool generates full reports that include images, graphs, tables, citations, quotes, and references, ensuring a professional outcome.
  • Advanced NLP Technology: Utilizing cutting-edge natural language processing technology, MyReport continuously improves its report quality.
  • Web Navigation: Users can input a title and a description of their desired report, and MyReport will search the web to gather necessary information.
  • Data Integration: For professional users, MyReport offers the ability to source reports from documents shared via a drive folder, maintaining full privacy.
  • Privacy and Security: Information provided to MyReport is not shared with third parties and is exclusively used for report generation.
  • Fast Generation and Sharing: Reports are generated quickly, and users receive a link for easy sharing or local saving for further review.

How It Works

  1. Describe the Report: Users start by entering the title and a brief description of the report they envision.
  2. Data Collection: MyReport navigates the web or, for professional users, accesses shared documents to collect relevant data.
  3. Report Generation: The tool then compiles the collected data into a structured report, complete with visual aids and citations.
  4. Review and Share: Users can review the generated report and share it via a provided link.


  • Time-Saving: By automating the research and compilation phases, MyReport significantly reduces the time required to create detailed reports.
  • Quality Assurance: The inclusion of professional elements like graphs, tables, and citations ensures the reports meet high standards.
  • Ease of Use: The straightforward process from description to generation makes MyReport accessible to users with varying levels of tech-savviness.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Freed from the time-consuming task of data collection, users can focus on analyzing the report and making informed decisions.

User Plans

MyReport offers different plans, including a lite version featuring its GPT capabilities and a professional plan that allows for direct data integration from shared documents. This flexibility ensures that both casual users and professionals can find a plan that suits their needs.


MyReport is a practical solution for anyone looking to create detailed, well-cited reports without investing excessive time and effort. Its use of advanced AI technology, combined with a focus on privacy and user-friendliness, makes it a valuable tool for academic, professional, and personal projects.

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