Client-side indecent image detection and moderation tool.


Overview of NSFW JS: Client-Side Indecent Content Detection

NSFW JS is a straightforward JavaScript library designed to assist in the rapid identification of inappropriate images directly within the client's browser. While it acknowledges its imperfections, NSFW JS prides itself on its accuracy, which is continually improving over time. This tool is particularly useful for developers and website administrators looking to automatically filter out unsuitable content without the need for server-side processing.

Key Features

  • Client-Side Processing: NSFW JS operates entirely within the user's browser, ensuring privacy and reducing server load.
  • Accuracy: The current model boasts a 93% accuracy rate in identifying indecent content, making it a reliable tool for content moderation.
  • Lightweight Model: With a model size of just 4.2MB, NSFW JS is designed to be efficient and fast, minimizing the impact on page load times.
  • Blur Protection: An additional feature that provides an immediate visual safeguard by blurring potentially inappropriate images until they can be verified.
  • Camera Integration: Offers the capability to directly analyze images captured from the user's camera, enhancing real-time content moderation.

How It Works

NSFW JS utilizes a pre-trained model to evaluate images on the webpage and categorize them based on their appropriateness. The library leverages TensorFlow.js for machine learning directly in the browser, ensuring a seamless and efficient content checking process. Upon loading, the model quickly assesses images and applies the necessary actions based on its findings, such as blurring images or flagging them for review.


This library is particularly beneficial for:

  • Social media platforms looking to automatically filter out NSFW content.
  • Educational websites aiming to maintain a safe browsing environment.
  • Online forums and community platforms requiring automated content moderation tools.
  • Personal projects where developers wish to implement content filtering without extensive backend development.

Accessibility and Support

NSFW JS is an open-source project, making it accessible to developers worldwide. It is supported by Infinite Red, Inc., ensuring regular updates and improvements to its accuracy and functionality. The project's resources, including the model, documentation, and demos, are readily available on GitHub, allowing for community contributions and feedback.

  • NSFW.js GitHub Website: For accessing the library's source code and documentation.
  • NSFW Model GitHub: To explore the model and its development process.
  • Blog Post: Offers insights into the creation and application of NSFW JS.
  • Mobile Demo GitHub: Provides a demonstration of NSFW JS's capabilities on mobile devices.


NSFW JS is a practical and efficient solution for developers and website administrators in need of client-side indecent content detection. Its combination of accuracy, efficiency, and ease of integration makes it a valuable tool in maintaining the integrity and safety of online platforms.

Related Video

  • This video features Firhan Maulana Rusli attempting to set up NSFW.JS, a client-side tool for detecting indecent images.
  • He explains the purpose of NSFW.JS, which is to classify uploaded images into categories like 'drawing', 'hentai', 'neutral', or 'sexy', and provides a demonstration of how to integrate and use the library in a simple application.
  • Throughout the setup, Firhan encounters technical difficulties that prevent the application from working as intended, and he requests feedback from viewers on possible solutions.
  • The video serves as both a tutorial and a troubleshooting session, highlighting the practical challenges of implementing NSFW.JS in web development.
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