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IBM Watson vs. Amazon Polly

The best way to compare IBM Watson vs. Amazon Polly: audio samples, features, plans, pricing, and more.

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Text to speech API - IBM Watson

IBM Watson

Convert text into natural-sounding speech in a variety of languages and voices.
Text to speech API - Amazon Polly

Amazon Polly

Text-to-speech service to transform text into natural-sounding speech using deep learning technologies.

Voice Quality

Mean Opinion Score
Mean Opinion Score
Mean Opinion Score (MOS) is a numerical measure that represents the perceived quality of audio samples, commonly used in evaluating text-to-speech systems. The score ranges from 1 to 5, with 1 indicating poor quality and 5 signifying excellent quality. These scores are derived from comprehensive, professionally-conducted evaluations, and are anonymized to ensure unbiased results.


Voice Cloning
Per-word Timestamps
Pitch Control
Speed Control
Phone Formats (e.g. pcm_mulaw)
Voice Cloning
Per-word Timestamps
Pitch Control
Speed Control
Phone Formats (e.g. pcm_mulaw)
  • Both IBM Watson and Amazon Polly offer a robust set of features for text-to-speech conversion, including multi-lingual support, per-word timestamps, pitch and speed control, and compatibility with phone formats.
  • However, IBM Watson distinguishes itself with the addition of voice cloning, a feature not available in Amazon Polly.
  • This makes IBM Watson potentially more versatile for users requiring personalized voice replication alongside the other common text-to-speech functionalities.

Pricing & Plans

10,000 characters
1M characters
1M characters (for first 12 months only)
Pay As You Go
1M characters
  • In terms of pricing for text-to-speech services, Amazon Polly offers a more attractive deal with a free plan that includes 1M characters for the first 12 months, making it an excellent choice for new users or those with minimal needs.
  • For ongoing or higher usage, Amazon Polly remains the more cost-effective option with its Pay As You Go plan priced lower than IBM Watson's Standard plan.
  • Overall, Amazon Polly provides better value for both initial and continuous text-to-speech service requirements based solely on pricing.

Customer Reviews

4.1 out of 5
Average of 44 ratings from leading review sites.
Customers appreciate IBM Watson Text to Speech for its ease of integration, speed, and support for multiple languages, making it versatile for various applications like education, customer service, and accessibility for the disabled. The ability to customize voice and tone is highly valued. However, some users note issues with pronunciation accuracy, limited language options, and occasional software glitches. The pricing is also considered high for small businesses or individual users.
Ease of integration
Language support
Pronunciation accuracy
Software reliability
Language diversity
4.4 out of 5
Average of 68 ratings from leading review sites.
Customers appreciate Amazon Polly for its natural-sounding voices, ease of use, and integration with AWS services. They find it beneficial for various applications like IVR systems, content creation, and multilingual support. However, concerns about cost, limited customization options, and occasional unnatural inflections in the voices are common. The service's scalability and fast response times are highlighted as significant advantages, helping businesses efficiently manage large-scale projects.
Ease of use
Natural-sounding voices
Integration with AWS
Voice inflection
Customization options


  • When comparing IBM Watson and Amazon Polly for text-to-speech services, both platforms offer a range of features including multi-lingual support, pitch and speed control, and compatibility with various audio formats.
  • However, IBM Watson stands out with its unique voice cloning capability, while Amazon Polly offers a more cost-effective pricing structure, especially for new or low-volume users with its free initial offer and lower ongoing costs.
  • Overall, the choice between IBM Watson and Amazon Polly may come down to specific needs such as the importance of voice cloning versus budget considerations.

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